Automotive Industry with Mixed Reality
A Benefits from design through the manufacturing, marketing and sales.
Automated technologies are becoming more intelligent and efficient which leads to countless benefits in the manufacturing process of the automotive industry.
Using the mixed reality in the automotive industry increases worker efficiency via enabling them to obtain as much information as the intelligent machines do. Manufacturers are putting the AR to use because of the benefits it provides during the production process.
Zumoko AR can lead to great success starting from design through the manufacturing, repair or maintenance, also marketing, advertising, sales and after-sales.
Many manufacturers have begun exploring the benefits augmented reality can offer in an industrial environment, and for the moment, initial pilots and prototypes have been deployed across industries, but it represents just a small fraction of what AR can do for the manufacturing.
The more complex the product or process is, the greater the potential benefit of AR deployment.
In the automotive maintenance or training process, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, and Virtual Reality are showing a great potential. These technologies help to improve the training process and facilitate a task.
The maintenance and training can be significantly accelerated as the operators can see 3D information in front of their eyes while their hands are free. The technology may also help learners retain more information than traditional training methods: In one test, workers retained approximately 80 percent of training material presented via AR/MR/VR compared to 20 percent when listening to a lecture.
It took decades for car or jet engineers to assemble the car or the aircraft, but with the aid of AR glasses they can see renderings of bolts, cables, part numbers and receive the instructions on how to assemble a specific component.
Using this method, their accuracy can go up to 96% and they are able to work 30% faster.
Zumoko AR technology can be used on-site anytime, anywhere.
Whenever a technician finds a problem, he can connect with experts to obtain a faster problem diagnostic and a solution recipe, decreasing repair downtime, saving time and money. With AR/MR Remote assistance you can easily measure and analyze data, reduce site inspection traveling costs, and completely improve field operations efficiency. In practical terms, manufacturers have used virtual and augmented reality software to optimize the production process and to reduce the inventory, cost and time.
Bring the right information to the right place at the right time. By using AR apps on a smartphone or tablet, workers can get a needed information at the right place and at the right time –overall quality improvements, error rate reduction and cost reduction.
Workers can collaborate with their colleagues from remote locations who can see what the operator sees from his own perspective and can guide him to fix any type of issue which leads to the increase of the productivity and decreasing of the time you need to ask your colleagues for the advice or help.
AR / VR / MR offers the opportunity to integrate realistic 3D visualization of product into public environment.
These immersive technologies offer endless possibilities for design and prototyping improvement. In automotive retail AR / VR provides a unique opportunity that customers feel how it is to be a part of the design process which involves many simulations utilizing both physical and digital mock-ups.
AR/VR offer the opportunity to integrate realistic 3D visualizations of vehicles into the fair or showroom environment.
Alternatively, in the sales process, AR/VR solutions can be used to showcase a wide range of exterior and interior optional equipment.
Buyer can see 3d animations of processes happening inside the car and can see benefits with his own eyes.
Aftermarket HUD Display
One of the main roles of AR and MR in the after-sales servicing is to maintain the quality and to keep up with the customers. During the ride, the head-up display reduces driver’s distraction and increases his safety. In order to read an instrument cluster, you need to take your eyes off the road which can lead you in a dangerous situation as it takes time and happens frequently.
A head-up display (HUD) shows the information exactly where you need it – in front of your eyes, directly in the line of sight. Drivers get all the important information such as speed, warning signals and indicator arrows for navigation without looking down to the instrument cluster or the secondary display.
It is fully compatible with all the vehicles that you can possibly have. It only requires plugging into a power source and a GPS connection and you are ready to go.