
Augmented Reality, Cross-platform app development, 3D Modeling, 3D Animation


Ross Institute for Advanced Study and Innovation in Education


Android, iOS, Unity3d

Date released:

Project description:

The Ross AR Spiral actualizes the Ross Learning System in physical space, presenting a bold step towards what we term “digital differentiation.” The involvement of a dynamic combination of the spatial-temporal, kinesthetic, visual, and logico-mathematical intelligence is made possible through the use of the AR medium. Download the Ross AR Spiral app onto your mobile device along with the marker image and launch the Ross AR Spiral. The eight domains of study, Cultural History, Mathematics, Science, World Languages and Literature, Wellness, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, and Media Studies and Technology, are represented by colored strands winding around one another and forming the Spiral structure. Click the hotspots that appear around the Spiral to explore important moments in the Cultural History narrative and learn how other disciplines converge around it. Users also have the option to switch from the AR view to a model view that isolates the Spiral and allows users to explore the model without the AR marker.